Monday, May 19, 2008

Full Moonrise At The Shack

It's an interesting dilemma. I can never seem to get all the resources, people, time, and luck, together at the same time. In pretty much every circumstance, I seem to have three of the four. Now, that's a pretty good batting average, so this is not in the nature of a complaint. But just once in my life I'd like to have all four ducks lined up....that's not too much to ask, is it?

Take last night, for instance.

Full moon, scheduled. Weather, which has been crap for so long that fleeting thoughts of suicide/homicide were'nt easily laughed off; not really, but you get my drift....Seattle's weather this winter has been horrid. Anyway, the weather this past weekend was HOT, and everybody had themselves outside for a tan.

Now I, having managed myself poorly during the week, found that I had to go to the office, to complete a bid that should have been done by Friday afternoon, and was due in Hanoi at dinner Sunday night....

Rode the bike over to Seattle, then home, to a lovely evening on the deck. But, moonrise was obscured by a haze, drifting in over Rich Passage. And, and this is the point, I was alone. There was no lovely woman sitting with me to enjoy the calm of the evening.

And a lovely evening it was. The kind of evening where arrowheads of geese and mergansers skim across the water, wingtips not touching but wingbeats causing little vortex ripples on the water....and you can hear the noise of the wings thrumming. Amazing.

There IS a lovely woman, and she's no where near Seattle. So instead of sitting with her on the deck, I sat with her on the phone, which is the next best thing, but so far behind first place as to be invisble....

More on the lovely woman as I get to know her better.....

But for now, here's the photos I took for her, to show her what we were sharing....