Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Again, it would seem that I've been busy.....

Well, I guess that I should just make up some story about why this blog has been neglected.

Could it be that I've recently gotten married? Or, perhaps it's about having sold our share in the Cessna 172 and having purchased a Kitfox IV Speedster, then having flown it home from Colorado to Washington state.

None of those would explain a three year absence, so I guess I'll just leave it as I've been busy.

However, the world of aviation has been bubbling along, with newly introduced aircraft, and, vital to old guys like myself, initiatives covering third class medicals.

I decided not to wait on any action from anybody representing the governments and instead chose to fly under light sport privileges; ergo, the Kitfox and the sell-the-Cessna-share scenarios.

Having purchased the Kitfox, I've spent the whole summer learning to fly it. Getting better and better each time, with some intermittent spooky lapses, and feeling much more comfortable with it.

Video to follow.

Fair winds.

Attitude Adjustment Happy New Year