Thursday, June 14, 2007

There's NOTHING about Orlando.....

There's nothing about Orlando that I like, with the possible exception of the ride where you can fly in the blast of a propellor, and practise your skydiving technique. And this time here I didn't take advantage of it.

Orlando is the living manifestation of the results of the American Dream. It's good, I suppose, for many. There's happy families, no doubt about it. There's moms dragging little kids up and down the streets, and there's kids with smiles on their faces.

But Lord, help us, everybody's fat. Everybody's fat. Did I mention that we're all fat? There's not one person who meets the ideal of fitness. At least, not that I saw.

And excess? Take the hotel I stayed at, for instance. Spanish Colonial is the style. Maybe 1500 rooms. Maybe a few hundred manicured acres. Thousands of happy conventioneers milling around. Bazillions of dollars changing hands it feels like.

And not a thought to the amount of conspicuous consumption going on. What a relief I'll feel to get on the plane and be done with Orlando.

Nice place, wouldn't wanna live there.

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